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People's Voice Award

For this years Awards, we were thinking about ways to initiate more opportunities to generate awareness about employer branding. Sharing best practices is the best way to inspire other companies and teams to create amazing companies, to start or continue building projects and strategic initiatives which can improve employee experience and profoundly impact people related processes.

This is why we have decided to introduce engaging and hopefully interesting category for the general public - People's Voice Award.

Winners in this category will be decided by the online voting process based on video applications. We hope that we will have the opportunity to meet many interesting teams and activities, that everyone will learn a bit more about employer branding and share our mission that it is important to create good employee experiences. 

Employer branding is not the same in every company. At some companies it can be the broadest topic driving almost every company's decision, and at some it can be applied only to certain projects and activities, with ambitions to eventually grow in importance to be managed strategically. 

It is our mission to accelerate application of employer branding practices and to celebrate great examples.

 We want to hear your story. 

Application and Fees

Private or public companies from BiH, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia may participate in this competition, provided that they submit a video application for this category.

Video applications should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Company can send only one application, however if the company is present on more than one market, each business entity from each market can submit their application (example: Infobip Croatia and Infobip BiH can both submit their applications separately).


Video application can be submitted in local language however english subtitles MUST be included if that is the case.

Application for People's Voice Award is FREE of charge.

What to include in your video application?

What is the most unique thing about your company as an employer? How would you describe your strengths? In which ways is employer branding making your company a better workplace? 

Look at this video as a way to approach someone who does not now much about your company, your practices and what you offer as an employer. Be authentic, relevant and tell us your story. You can use your video content generated for hiring campaigns or certain internal projects; as long as it does tell us a bit more about working at your company.

Video does not have to be recorded professionally, but we advise you to be creative, inspiring and feel free to follow these guidelines and apply them in your video presentation:

 Authenticity  – Your employees and potential job candidates might see this content and vote for your company. Your employer brand does exist in their minds and hearts, so make sure they can own and proudly share your story.

 Depth  – If you only state “We have great teamwork,” you did not go deep enough. Think of why and how – what makes your teamwork and collaboration unique or special? What kind of teamwork do employees get to do, how is it relevant for your business success and why should job seekers care?

 Story  – Think of ways to tell your story in an engaging, interesting, authentic way. Your employer branding strengths should be a good direction to generate some ideas. In order to stand out, you need more than CEO looking at the camera and talking about how great you are :)

 Target audience  – Feel free to be relevant only for your target audience. Your video does not have to appeal to everyone as long as your story will help your target audience (talent market) to learn more about your company. Run free with how you want to communicate to your audience.

 Message  – Video should be long enough to communicate your message, but short enough to maintain engagement. Define your message and set out your objectives. Ask what you want people to learn/feel about your company after watching the video. By defining the purpose of your video, you can tell your message more efficiently.

 Technical part  – Think of definition and sound. Can your audience hear/understand what’s being said? Please include english subtitles. Format of the video should be 16 : 9. Length of the video must be up to 3 minutes.


If you need additional help with video production (pre and post-production) let us know via e-mail and we can help.

By submitting your application, you agree to the publication of that material for the purpose of public voting and for promotion of Best Employer Brand Awards in media and in digital communication.

By entering the Awards program, your company data will be added to our database to share with you relevant Awards info. To opt out of this communication, send an email to

Important dates for this category


Applications can be submitted up to this date.


Online voting starts


Online voting ends


Awards Ceremony

Online voting

Video presentations will be available on this web page with the option to vote for only one of the selected presentation (company) by each visitor.

We encourage visitors to review every application and try to evaluate the following:

  • What makes The Company you have selected to vote for "stand out"?

  • Do you believe that this video presentation is an authentic representation of the The Company you have selected to vote for?

  • Is your perception that The Company you have selected to vote for is a great place to work?

The voting will be announced and held on Best Employer Brand Awards Adria webpage.


People's Voice Award - Winners

Video application which receives the biggest number of votes in the voting period (from 1 September to 1 November 2021) is the Winner.

If two or more applications receive the same number of votes, they will share first place.


There are 3 segments which will receive People's Voice Award, in each segment respectively:

  •  People's Voice Award - Large companies

  •  People's Voice Award - Medium companies

  •  People's Voice Award - Small companies


Segments are defined based on number of FTE employees at the date of application (external workforce not included):

  • Large companies - above 501 FTE employees

  • Medium companies - from 101 FTE up to 500 FTE employees

  • Small companies - up to 100 FTE employees.

Prizes for Winners

Winners of each segment (Large, Medium, Small) of People's Voice Award will be rewarded with:

  • One (1) Employer Branding Conference ticket and Awards ceremony ticket at Best Employer Brand Awards Adria 2021.

  • One (1) free application for any category at Best Employer Brand Awards Adria 2022.

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